As part of our Project Based Learning, LKS2 children (aged 7-9 years old) at St Vincent’s Primary School in London focused on the impact of climate change on our planet and how we can be stewards of our environment and of one another by finding ways of sustainably living and discussing solutions to potential problems for the future. We were learning to describe and understand key aspects of physical and human geography, including the exploration of natural disasters, such as earthquakes and volcanoes, rivers and mountains. We looked at History from the Stone Age to Iron Age and linked this to our scientific investigation of rocks and soils. In addition, the children explored texts from literature linked to these themes such as ‘The Iron Man’ by Ted Hughes and ‘The Stone Age Boy’ by Satoshi Kitamura to create pieces of writing which show their understanding of the topics being raised. As part of their learning, children also had the opportunity to design and make a product exclusively from recyclable materials (Volcanoes) and participate in a Forge experience similar to Iron Age living in Britain in the past.


Mobile Forge Risk Assessment 1.0 LKS2 UTOPIA LESSON IDEAS.pptx DRAFT LKS2 Summer 2021 PBL Plan