Here is the project for the youngest children in our school in Reception. It is on ‘Superheroes’ with our driving question being, ‘What makes a superhero a hero?’. It links with our Vincentian value of ‘we are respectful of the dignity and wishes of the individual’ as we explore our similarities and differences as well as what our own ‘superpowers’ are.
Children will start to use critical thinking to explore who the real life superheroes in our world are, including those close to us, those who are well known and those who are quietly being heroes every day.
Our entry event will be a superhero dress up day where children can come to school as the superhero of their choice. Throughout the project, children will design their own superheroes including their abilities and personalities. They will also work collaboratively to design and create a superhero city using arrays to support counting in twos, fives and tens.
Staff use a variety of rich texts in Literacy, as well as ‘helicopter’ storytelling to support children understanding the structure of a story. The children will then apply this knowledge to create their own storyboards and narratives for their invented superheroes.
Children will get the chance to see their stories come to life as they direct and star in their own short films using iMovie, which will be showcased to another year group or parents at the end of the project.