Aims: -To know the emblematic historical monuments of the town, main streets, prominent people and what they meant for Bellpuig. -To value our space, take care of it and be interested in our culture. Pre-visit activities: -Previous knowledge. -Situation of our School...
WHY DID THE FIRST HUMANS APPEAR IN AFRICA AND SPREAD ALL OVER THE WORLD? Aims Design and edit a presentation about the characteristics of early hominids and prehistoric stages using a video editor. Participate in cooperative and large group activities valuing...
DO YOU KNOW THE HAWKS? Escola Valeri Serra – Bellpuig – Spain Aims: – To design a Lap Book about everything we have learnt. – To be conscientious about a problem that we have in our town and learn how to solve it. Cross-curricular teaching...
Jobs Project
Plants, animals and crops 10-12 years